2024ROBIQ LABS.ONTARIOCANADAHUMAN AUGMENTATIONMEETS MACHINE INTELLIGENCEOur Mission —We are committed to transforming the landscape ofAI-powered robotics by bridging the gap betweenintelligent machines and seamless humaninteraction. Our mediator hardware offers aplug-and-play gateway, connecting robots anddrones to our cutting-edge platform for effortlessfleet management, AI application development,and remote deployment. With a focus on precision,reliability, and scalability, we empower industriesto achieve unparalleled efficiency and control ineven the most complex environments. Driven by acommitment to innovation and sustainability, Robiqis shaping the future of robotics—where technology,intelligence, and human ingenuity converge tounlock new realms of possibility;Asad Shahin Moghadam, Sina Karimihello[at]robiq.io